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Учитель английского языка МАОУ "Обдорская гимназия", г. Салехард.Кандидат филологических наук, руководитель структурного методического подразделения учителей иностранных языков.

Засорина Марина Евгеньевна

Russian English
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Your career choice.
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ТЕМА: Your career choice.

Your career choice. 8 года 2 мес. назад #20

  • zasorina
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Please, give a talk about your career plans. Remember to say:
what job you want to do in the future;
what two subjects you think are the most important for your future job, and why;
whether your family approve of your career choice or not.
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Your career choice. 8 года 1 мес. назад #142

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Choice a career is very important thing in our life.
In my future I want to work either actress or director. But nowadays I don't know who will be in the future.
I think that two the most important subject is English and IT. In my opinion, today English is important, because now everywhere need this language. If we are talking about the IT, I can say, that this subject will be needed by me, when I will be work on director, This job consist of only work with computer and computer programs.
To my chagrin, my family does not approve of the choice of my future career. They want that I went to the computer programmer. But I can say, that this job "is not my cup of tea"
The choice of career should be treated seriously. We then work your whole life for this job.
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Your career choice. 8 года 1 мес. назад #156

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Choice a career is not easy for many young people. In my childhood I wanted to be a doctor but nowadays I don’t know what job is will be good for me. I think English and Social Science are the most important subjects for me because I want to tie my future profession with the economy or to be an interpreter. My family always supports my choice of future profession. My parents tell me that I chose the profession which I will love in the future.
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Your career choice. 8 года 1 мес. назад #207

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In the future I want to be a vet. Chemistry and biology are the most important subjects for my future job, I guess. Biology is for knowledge of the structure of organs and body functions. And chemistry is, for example, for knowledge of the drug formulations and their properties, side effects. My parents were not happy to know my plans about my choice of a future job. But I have the right to choose. So, it doesn't matter.
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Your career choice. 8 года 1 мес. назад #221

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I dont decide yet whom I would be in the future, but I planing to be a programist, because I like work on the computer. I think the mane subject in programing its Computer sience and Math, because in programing you need to considered complex expressions, and also you need English language, because all programs right on english. My family approve my choice, and the helping me with every my decision.
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Your career choice. 8 года 1 мес. назад #229

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It is time, when you have to choose your future profession, choose the necessary exam and to choose university in which you want enroll. It is very important and responsible choice, because choosing a particular profession you already defines your future life.
Everything depends of you - if you will love your job, or you will suffer every day from the fact that you hate your job.
Now, at school I defined for myself the two subjects that will I need to obtain the desired profession - geography and history. Although ,I can not say for sure that I will take the exam of these subjects.
My parents have not yet expressed their attitude to my future career, but I'm sure they will support me and appreciate my choice.
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