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Учитель английского языка МАОУ "Обдорская гимназия", г. Салехард.Кандидат филологических наук, руководитель структурного методического подразделения учителей иностранных языков.

Засорина Марина Евгеньевна

Russian English
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ТЕМА: Travelling.

Travelling. 8 года 2 мес. назад #15

  • zasorina
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Please, give a talk about travelling:
why most people like travelling;
which season is the best for travelling in your opinion;
what means of transport is the best, and why.
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Travelling. 8 года 1 мес. назад #129

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People travel for different goal. Some people travel on business, others travel to visit their relatives and friends, and most people travel to see the world.
In my opinion, the best season for traveling is summer. In this time is very warm and sunny. And you can travel by any mode of transport, such as by car, by plane, by ship, by train, by coach or on foot.
My favorite and best ways of travel is by plain. Is one of the most comfortable means of traveling. Also this way is not expensive and fast.
Traveling is always nice. I like traveling a lot.
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Travelling. 8 года 1 мес. назад #131

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As the saying goes, life is always a journey. After traveling people are never the same, in his soul something changes usually after experiencing adventures.
In my opinion, the best time to travel - this summer, :) when there is no need to lay a lot of warm clothes and your backpack is much easier. There is no danger to freeze or get frostbite. And in the summer you have the opportunity to to get a tan and swim in the warm sea or in the local river.
I want to ever go on a journey on a bicycle or hitchhiking. And the most suitable transport for travel - car. You can put all your bags in the trunk and stop at any desired location to you, no one is dependent.
Someday I want to go to the United States and Brazil, and to go round all over Russia.
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Travelling. 8 года 1 мес. назад #144

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Nowadays people travel for different purposes: for visiting relatives , for business and soon. Also people like travelling because they can see a lot of countries and many interesting places. I think the best season of travelling is summer. Because in this time of year the weather is warm and sunny. Today traveling is very easy because there is a lot of kind of transport such as planes, cars, buses. I think that travelling by plane is the most comfortable .Travelling by plane is fast and cheap.
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Travelling. 8 года 1 мес. назад #150

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Traveling is a very good way to spend your time. Most people like to travel, because its very healthy and funny (in good company). The best time to travel its summer, because weather is good, warm and any vehicles can move boyh on land and in the air. I think the best vehicle for traveling is dirigible, because in this big flying machine you can see all things on the earth, and slowly thinking about life. When are you travel you can made many pictures of attractions, by ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! and this is cool!
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Travelling. 8 года 1 мес. назад #153

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If you have the opportunity to see new places, why not take advantage of it? The world is so huge; it would be silly to just sit on one place. When you travel, you absorb the world, and the world is soaked with you. Possibly travel is the only opportunity to leave yourself some vivid memories from his past life. For travel there is no better season; these are always great, anytime of the day and night, winter and summer. As for transport, I would not advise to travel long distances by car. It's pretty uncomfortable.
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